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"Publication" indicates the potential value of a researcher in the job market.

"You are what you write."

"If you don't write or present, then the research does not exist."

Is that so? 

What I have done

​11/07/2024. F(r)ictional Freedom: Governing Nomadic Mobility of Young Chinese Professionals amid Uncertainties. Neuchâtel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies. University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.  


07/07/2024. Local Fandom: Revitalizing Rural Japan through Digital Communities

(Individual Paper Presenter) 

Asian Studies Conference Japan 2024. Sophia University, Japan.

22/06/2024. Engineering Relationality: An Ethnographic Study of Digital Transformation for Community Sustainability in Rural Japan                                  

Harvard-Yenching Institute & Tsinghua University Joint STS Training Program. Tsinghua University, China.

15/02/2024. Digital Work, Transnational Mobility, and Everyday Border-making of Chinese Tech Professionals in Japan
(Individual Paper Presenter) 
21st Century Borders in Japan Writing Workshop. Sponsored by SSHRC, University of Victoria, Nichibunken. Hokkaido University, Japan.

02/12/2023. Digital Transformation, Skilled Migration, and Mediocre Optimism: Work and Life of Chinese IT Young Professionals in Urban Japan

 (Individual Paper Presenter) 

Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) Annual Meeting 2023. Meijigakuin University, Japan.

05/11/2023. デジタル時代の地域活性化:日本からの新たな取り組み (Regional Revitalisation in the Digital Age: New Initiatives from Japan) (in Japanese)

(Panel Presentation) 

East Asian Consortium of Japanese Studies (EACJS) The 7th International Academic Conference. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. 

08/10/2023. Digital Nomadism in China: Urban Youth, Remote Work, and Lifestyle Mobility During the Pandemic

(Individual Paper Presentation)

East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA) Annual Meeting 2023. Online.


Feb 2023. Lifelong Learning of Tokyo-Based Older Adults in the Pandemic
The 4th Collaborative Research Workshop for Aspiring Scholars in Japanese Studies 
Hosted by the Japan Foundation 

Feb 2023. Digital Technology and Community Renewal: Tales from A Global Village in Japan

(Individual Paper Presentation) 

The 14th Annual CUHK Anthropology Postgraduate Student Forum 


2022. Development and Evaluation of an Infusion Active Aging Education (IAAE) Model for University Students

(Co-authored Journal Article) 

Gerontology & Geriatrics Education


June 2021. Enhancing Digital Utilisation and Satisfaction: Effectiveness of Mobile Technology Training Interventions for Ageing Adults

(Co-authored Conference Presentation) 

British Society of Gerontology (BSG) 50th Annual Conference


November 2020. Promoting Gerontological Education in University: Development and Evaluation of the Infusion Active Ageing Education Model.

(Co-authored Poster Presentation) 

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology 27th Annual Congress of Gerontology.

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